Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Happy Purim - 5783!




So great is the power of Purim day,
Yom Kippur is
like it, the great Sages say.

What can these days possibly have in common, one might ask?
The answer to this question reveals a Jew's task.

We are created with a Divine mandate:
To take the pleasures of this world and elevate.

On Yom Kippur, without the physical, it's easier with our Creator to connect.
How much more challenging to do so on Purim, when physical and spiritual intersect!

Whereas on Yom Kippur we refrain from the physical to reach a spiritual level,
on Purim, we sanctify through revel!

So although these days are nothing alike, one might think,
because on Yom Kippur we fast, and on Purim we eat and drink,
these days are actually two halves of a whole:
The opportunity for body to meet soul!

For when we focus on truly eating and drinking lishma, for the sake of Heaven,
we sanctify all of our activities, 24/7.

Both are times to be at one with HaShem and with each other,
days of everlasting love none can smother.

How do we achieve this? Torah is the way.
Torah is the connection between Yom Kippur and Purim day.
For on Yom Kippur, we received Luchos number two,
and on Purim, we accepted Torah anew!

Dear reader, we now conclude with "food for thought" and of course, brachos for you:
May you experience the joy of achdus with HaShem and your fellow Jew.
May you bring out Kedusha in one another, and emulate Him;
and therefore, create the potential for every day to be like Purim! 


Wishing You a Freilichen Purim!
Masha (Melanie) and Baruch (Brian) Levine

L'llui nishmat our beloved Rav Reuven Meir Gross ZT"L.
His Divrei Torah inspired this poem, and continue to inspire us.


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy Purim - 5782!



Purim 5782 


In the Purim story it is clear that from Above salvation did abound.
Now let us explore how this was brought about from actions on the ground.

After Haman's deal with King A, our situation was indeed grim.
Our chances of survival seemed statistically quite slim.

During this dark time, little did we know,
that a chain of events leading to our deliverance had already begun unfolding below.
(Through difficulties, what helps us endure
is remembering that "before the illness, HaShem always prepares the cure.")

Just before Haman's rise, Bigsan and Seresh got mad and plotted to take out King A.
Unbeknownst to them, Mordechai overheard, and this intel to Esther he did relay.
Esther HaMalka was humble; she did not seek fame.
She did not fumble; she
told it to King A in Mordechai's name. (1)

Fast forward past Haman's plan and our fasting and weeping;
Esther held a feast, Haman built a gallows, and King A had trouble sleeping.

King A finally bestowed honor upon Mordechai for his act of goodwill,
and Haman's good fortune started heading downhill.

At the second winefest, Esther told all,
And from the gallows built for Mordechai, Haman did fall.

Thus ultimately, HaShem overturned the harsh decree.
When we look back and review the events, we clearly see
that the pathway to our redemption, the critical key,
started with
Esther HaMalka's understanding "It's not about me." (1)

Given the great import of giving credit to another, then all the more so, of course,
we learn the larger lesson of
giving credit for everything we have to THE ONE AND ONLY SOURCE. (2)

Let us learn from Esther HaMalka's humility and remember the Torah way:
give credit to HaShem for the innumerable blessings He bestows upon us each and every day. (2)

Our bracha to you, dear reader:
May you
give credit where credit is due,
so that like Esther HaMalka, you can help bring about salvation too!
And always remember, never forget, how much HaShem loves you! 


Wishing You a Freilichen Purim!
Masha (Melanie) and Baruch (Brian) Levine 


(1) Pirke Avos Chapter 6, Mishna 6:
"...repeating a saying in the name of the one who said it. For you have learned this: Whoever repeats a thing in the name of the one who said it brings redemption to the world, as it is said: 'and Esther said to the king in the name of Mordechai.' "

(2) Coopersmith, R Nechemia, Simmons, R Shraga (2017). "Giving Credit Where Credit is Due." In Rabbi Noach Weinberg's 48 Ways to Wisdom (pp. 267-271). The Shaar Press. (For the record: We thought of the title of this poem independently, before reading this chapter!)



Thursday, February 25, 2021

Happy Purim - 5781!



Open 24/7!
Purim 5781

Difficulties of the magnitude we have faced this year are not unique.
For an example, into the Megillah let us peek:

There was a pandemic of a different sort,
One of internal disconnection, which we needed to thwart.
Unlike now, we were not physically separated.
Rather, we were spiritually distant–a situation which we ourselves created.

We learn from the Megillah how to navigate the challenges of today,
by utilizing prayer, the most powerful pathway.

What we needed most was prayer, a megadose;
To HaShem we needed to become very close.

When Mordechai learned of Haman's plan he sounded a great, bitter wail,
a form of tefillah that works without fail!

He prayed to HaShem: Not because of my pride did I refuse to bow down;
Out of my awe for You, I would not prostrate to anyone, let alone the likes of Haman, that clown!

Then Mordechai gathered the children, 22,000 of them.
For three days and nights they fasted and cried out to HaShem.

Their cries sounded like the bleating of young lambs and goats, and straight to Shamayim did soar.
HaShem was moved to mercy, and His decrees He tore.

Esther fasted for three days amidst intense despair;
Like Mordechai and the children, she dressed in sackcloth and poured our her heart in prayer.
She supplicated: Father of orphans, please help your Your maidservant who has no father or mother;
I seek Your mercy, for You are the Only One who can save us. You and No Other!

Esther also declared a communal fast which ultimately helped forestall
Haman's plans to destroy us, thus demonstrating the power of the Klal.
Stronger together than alone we could ever be,
HaShem is favorable to our tefillos when we have unity!

Our Brachas to you, dear reader:
May you take advantage of this auspicious day,
and make time to pause and to pray.

The Gates of Prayer never close. They are open 24/7.
HaShem eagerly awaits your tefillos, up in Heaven!

No matter the challenge, remember your task.
Stay connected to HaShem. Don't keep your distance. Drop the mask!

From each other and from our Father in Heaven may you never feel apart,
and may HaShem answer your tefillos l'tovah, all that are in your heart!

Wishing You a Freilichen Purim!
Masha (Melanie) and Baruch (Brian) Levine

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Happy Purim - 5776!

!חג פורים שמח - Happy Purim!

The Lord and the Ring
Purim 5776 

The Purim story takes a critical turn,
when we suddenly and dramatically learn
of Haman's evil proposal that he shared with the King,
and received authority to carry out with King A's
signet ring

The silver was given to Haman to do with as he saw fit,
and letters to destroy all the Jews, sealed with the
signet ring, were writ. 

When the King transferred his ring to Haman's finger,
overwhelming feelings of grief and bewilderment among us surely did linger. 

We weeped, wailed, and fasted; our lives were to be taken.  
Mordechai and Esther sprung into action; teshuva in us did awaken! 

Says the Gemara: The removal of King A's signet ring spurred the Jews to return to the path of righteousness anew,
thus accomplishing more than what 48 prophets and 7 prophetesses could do! 

We rededicated ourselves to Torah; we turned ourselves around.
The change in our relationship with HaShem and one another was extremely profound. 

HaShem acted mercifully; the salvation He brought was immense.
With the transfer of the
signet ring to Mordechai, we received the right to self-defense! 

Our brachot to you dear reader are that you always feel how much HaShem loves you,
and that you keep Him as close as a ring on your finger throughout all that you do. 

Remember, do not forget: Power resides not in rings or rulers—This you should always know.
There is nothing other than HaShem—Ein Od Milvado! 

Have a Freilichen Purim!
Masha (Melanie) and Baruch (Brian) Levine

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Happy Purim 5775!

!חג פורים שמח - Happy Purim!

Each year, my wife Melanie comes up with a relevant Purim theme from Megillat Esther (the Book of Esther), writes a thematic Purim poem, and distributes her poem with her mishloach manot (portions of food to friends).  In recent years, Melanie has also sent out her poem via e-mail to a small number of people.  This year, for the first time ever, we're also going social!

This year's theme is, "Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!"

The poem is below.  A PDF version of just the poem can also be viewed and downloaded directly from http://bit.ly/LevinePurimPoem5775.

May it be in our merit that the Holy One, Blessed be He, be a salvation for the Jewish people today, as He has been in days gone by, from all the evil Haman's who persist in their vain and misguided attempts to destroy us. 


--Brian & Melanie

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!
Purim 5775

The events that led up to the Purim strife
had been
brewing for a while, as often happens in life. 

Going to the party, becoming dispersed and scattered
we lost sight of what truly mattered:
Maintaining our relationship with our Father above 

and living a life of Torah with love. 

Haman, therefore, accused the Jews of sleeping,
meaning we were lax mitzvos we were not keeping!

What would it take to rouse us from our slumber?
HaShem, in His infinite wisdom, as always, “had our number.”
Bring an enemy to threaten our lives, of course;
this would surely lead us to unite and feel remorse.
Then ultimately we would recommit to Torah and hold it dear,
with our own free will, fulfilling our words: We will do and we will hear! 

HaShem, with Purim, brought us to the brink.
May we need no more
wake up calls to stir us to think! 

Thus, everything in this Coffee Cup  
Reminds us to Wake Up! Wake Up! 
Purim opens our eyes to what is real:
HaShem runs our world
let's live a Torah life with zeal! 

Learn even from King A!
Concerned about a kindness he did not repay,
he could not
sleep until he gave credit which was due. 
How much more so should we have Hakaras HaTov too! 

Purim is the perfect occasion
to give thanks to HaShem for His salvation.

An “attitude of gratitude” – recognizing the good in every situation
transforms us as individuals, and sets us apart as a nation. 

And when we turn our hearts towards HaShem sincerely, 
He brings us close, which the Midrash points out clearly: 
It was really HaShem's “sleep” which was shaken
a merciful response did our cries in Him awaken

And so dear friends, our bracha is that you know how much HaShem loves you, 
and that our King never slumbers or sleeps—He protects you in all that you do. 
And remember, we are in HaShem's employ--
Let us not “fall
asleep on the job” of serving HaShem with joy! 

Have a Freilichen Purim!
Masha (Melanie) and Baruch (Brian) Levine 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Happiest Guy in the World!

Dear Friends,

It's official!  This past Sunday afternoon (22 Kislev, 5772) Melanie Harris and I became engaged!  I'm most certainly the happiest guy in the world!  

And my kallah?  With what words can I describe her?  She's the most amazing woman I've ever met.  I couldn't possibly ask Hashem for anything more.  The more I get to know her, the more I want to know her, and the more I see there is to know.  Her neshama shines forth like the hidden light of creation, facilitating relationship and connection with all of Hashem's works.  Clearly, I'm also the most fortunate man in the world.  

Melanie and I are so joyous and grateful.

We're grateful to Hashem, of course.  We hope to build a bayit ne'eman b'Yisrael that helps us become worthy of Hashem's extraordinary kindness to us.

We're especially grateful to our shadchan, Lori Palatnik, and to Aish HaTorah.  How else might Lori and I have met, if not on an Aish mission to Eretz Yisrael?

And while we weren't yet ready for one another several years ago when Hollie Karr first introduced us, Hollie also gets chizuk for being totally on target.  Her navua was just a little ahead of Melanie and I!

Last, but by no means least, we can never repay the love, nurturing, support, teachings, and steadfastness of our family, friends, colleagues, teachers, rebbeim, and others, who have given us so much throughout the years.  But stop us from trying!  May we give to others at least what has been so generously given to us.

Melanie and I are planning a March chasunah in New York.  

B"H, the best is yet to come!

--Brian, a.k.a, "The Happiest Guy in the World!"


B"H - B'ezrat Hashem, "With G-d's Help."

Bayit Ne'eman b'Yisrael - Torah home.

Chasunah - Wedding.  

Chizuk - Encouragement.

Eretz Yisrael - The land of Israel.  

Hashem - G-d.

Kallah - Bride.  

Navua - Prophecy.  

Neshama - Human soul.  

Rebbeim - Rabbis.  

Shadchan - Matchmaker.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My First Experience with OS X Lion!


I've Tweeted quite a bit today about my first hands-on experience with OS X Lion.  Some of what I've learned may be helpful to others working with Lion for the first time. Check out my Tweets at:


